In print
Thank you to the Chronicle for being true to their word and publishing my story today 3/8 - 'Commuters Anger over bike thefts' - a good piece.
The irony is that ONE responded to the journalist but not to me - there's a quote saying they regret the theft etc etc but they never bothered to respond to my email - seems a bizarre attitude to me. I work in digital advertising and I spend a lot of time talking to clients on this issue of not ignoring customer complaints - the web now means everyone has a voice and even one person can start a wave of negative (or positive if its deserved) conversations. PR people really should have embraced this by now if they are any good.
So due to staffing issues and other reasons the bike doors may or may not be locked - there's no guarantee which, in my mind, makes the offer worthless. Do it or don't do it.
The Chronicle were good enough to print this blog address so maybe a few more people will pick up on the blog - the more people who are aware of the theft the more people who will be able to protect their property.
Well done for getting this into the Chronicle, and for setting up this blog. I had a bike stolen from the shed at the station last October. British Transport Police did not follow up at all with me: I had to ring them for a crime number.
I am hoping that there will be better facilities for cyclists as part of the redevelopment of the whole West End area around the station.
Re. a local group for cyclists: here is a PDF about a recent Chelmsford Cycle Action Group event CCAG_family_bike_ride_flyer.pdf (application/pdf Object)
2:44 PM
It seems as if we've all had simialr problems.
CCTV - if it was any good they'd be catching these people clearly.
I may develop some ideas on how we can all help each other
8:59 AM
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